Sabbatical Diary 2017
by Doc P, 16 Jun 2020
10 May - Final exam in stat - installed “yarrr” and “dplyr” on laptop for use this Summer.
16 May Enrolled in Coursera Pyhon for Data Science and Qualitative methods courses.
17 May The Coursera Python course is a bit much for now, so I am going back to Chuck Severance’s PY4E videos. We will see if I can make enough progress to do the course by the time it ‘officially’ begins. If not, I will continue to work through PY4E, which will probably take more than this summer.
Completed Chapter 1 videos - mostly background information. Chapter 2, basic conventions in Python. Pretty familiar so far.
Yarrr - Chapter 10 - Manipulating data frames
Ordered 64g micro sd and adaptor for 13 inch Air (31.87 with tax)
18 May AM - Did degree audit for SOC/PSY transfer student - Worked through Chapter 11 Yarrr to 11.7: Low level plotting functions - Covered Chapter 3 of PY4E - Atom text editor - - cross platform - Screenflow webinar at 2 pm.
19 May - Chapter 4 Functions Chapter 5 Loops - spent most of the morning moving to my upstairs office - Ordered Acer monitor and adaptor to use with Air (109.38 with tax)
20 May - off to Erie Monday, is I’m doing some time on the weekend. Chapters 11, 12, and 13 of Yarrr. Plotting chapters are a better reference, as the information is specific to the type of plot one wants and the details of its construction. Chapter 13 on hypothesis testing was particularly good as it offers some alternative methods for doing hypothesis tests - especially chisq.tests with existing data sets. I will rewrite the Chi Square crib sheet to accommodate this approach.
Simple approach to Chi square :
21 May - It is Sunday, after all - installed new RStudio (1.0.143) and R 3.4.0 “You Stupid Darkness” on Air and Pro at home.
22 May - Erie for boat launch
23 May - installed new Acer 24 inch monitor in upstairs office.Purchased by me from Amazon. WiFi problems seem to be plaguing video playback. Lots of trouble with WiFi in the am so I spent the morning writing notes on performing Chi^2 with R. As of 12:17 the WiFi is running at 41 Mbps in the main office and 20 Mbps in Rm 215. Updated RStudio on 13”air. Wrote new notes for Chi^2. Internet stayed crappy all day.
24 May - No wireless at all on second floor Harvey. I’ll head downstairs as soon as my battery is charged. Wireless is working on first floor. Finished chapter 5 and 6 py4e in am.
25 May - Still unable to connect to WiFi from second floor Harvey but, if I go down to the main office and connect, I can maintain a connection when I go back up. Working on RMarkdown today, hoping that I can convert all of the notes for Stat to markdown documents. After watching several videos, none of which explained how to access anything other than the built in data sets, I finally figured out that you need to load the specific data set independently of the R console. Easy enough after you know it, but why doesn’t anyone mention it. Read through Chapter 14:ANOVA of Yarrr. Great explanation of ANOVA but not one that most of my students would understand.
26 May - Still have to go down to the first floor to connect. Once the connection is established I can go back upstairs and it will remain connected but at only about 19Mbps. It’s been a few days, so I began by reviewing Chapter 6 of PY4E today. Did chapter 7 in PM - probably want to review it again next week. Began reading Bookdown.
30 May - Took the holiday weekend off essentially. Tuesday morning - I’ll start with the Chapter 7 videos again. Did Chapters 7 and 8 in AM. Will switch to Bookdown in PM to use different brain cells. Installed book down on Air and downloaded GIT repository of example code. Code is in Summer 2017 folder. No luck getting the demo to run. I’ll try reading through more of the Bookdown site and see if I find any advice.
31 May - A little side trip today, as I prepared Rmarkdown documents for Basic R commands, Chi Square, and t-tests in the morning, mostly to see whether it was reasonable to convert the crib sheets from Word to Markdown. So far it seems like a good idea.
1June - There is a you tube video on two way ANOVA that I have been meaning to watch. That seems like a good way to start the day. That one turned out to not be what I wanted, but I did find a good video on repeated measures ANOVA - In the afternoon I read Chapters 16 Regression and 17 functions of Yarrr . Functions is probably beyond me right now but seems a good way to “automate” things like repeated measures ANOVA for something like an Ax(BxC) design. I still have to do chapter 17 Loops, but not today.
2 June - A second pass through Chapter 8 of PY4E. Then on to Chapter 9 - Dictionaries.
3/4 June - Weekend. DIdn’t do much, but did work some on Shiny and on Markdown.I’m not sure I have a use for Shiny yet, but I’ll keep working with it. There may be some demos I can do for Statistics.
5 June - Py4E for starters. Chapter 10: Tuples. Next to a chapter of Yarrr (17, Loops). Interesting chapter, but more oriented toward actual R programming than I need or want at this point. Might be a nice way to automate repetitive data analyses for Sr. Seminar.
6 June - PY4E Chapter 11: Regular Expressions for starters. Found a set of videos for the onlinestatbook on YouTube - Some are the videos linked from the book, but there are a lot on the site, there may be some new/additional ones that are not linked from the text. Began to look at PsychoPy 1.8 to see if it wold be useful in either statistics or Biopsych. To be determined. Found some video tutorials on PsychoPy - Also did some introductory videos to Python just as a review.
7 June - PY4E Chapter 12: Networked Programs (5 parts) - also downloaded a copy of Severance’s Net Intro for offline reading. Finished CH 12 about 1:30- enough Python for today.I’ll switch back to R for the afternoon. Updated X Code on the Air 13. Downloaded a copy of PY4E for the Nook because it lives at Harvey.
8 June - 2 way ANOVA with R - - Another - - FOUND a NEW R TUTORIAL SITE - - ut instructions on running a python program in a terminal window on Mac - a good video, b - Good video on terminal commands -
9 June- Going to try out the Coursera course on Qualitative Research Methods today to see whether it is worth taking. An hour or so in, it’s quite interesting but not yet to any practical. Information about actually performing qualitative research. Finished Week 1 (mostly background information) and wrote a Markdown tutorial for 2 way ANOVA in AM.
10 - 12 June Joined JumpStart with a group from Clarion and worked a bit on things over the weekend. Monday was a trip to Erie to get the boat ready.
13 June - Spent the day working on JumpStart. The good news is that I think I’ll be able to use the blog as a vehicle for Statistics.
14 June - Back at JumpStart today. Hope to finish Module 1 and 2. Got through all the videos for module 2 and set up my Slack account EmailAlias. Invited three “friends” - my own alternate email addresses and set up some new projects. Still have to do some messaging, send a file, etc., but I’ve had enough for the day. Maybe after dinner I’ll go back to it.
15 June - I did get the rest of the messaging and posting done for the Slack project. Today the blog post and, hopefully, Module 2 is done. 12:10 - Module 2 blog post is saved as a draft, complete with a hyperlink to an outside url. Pretty standard stuff but Slack is a nice platform. I may suggest that stat students use it as a way to collaborate on homework assignments and the like, but I’m a bit afraid that it might just be a better way to get one person to do all the work for everyone else to submit. Module 3 videos after lunch. 2pm Screenflow 6 “Back to Basics” webinar - good webinar, I needed an update to 6 and a refresher on everything. Web high, customized 10000 is good export data rate.
16 June - Today is the first Explore Clarion Day and J is at PPA, so I’m covering the registration session. Also have a Soccer player visiting campus and the re-up guy wants me to do a what if for a student who might return to Clarion as a Psychology major. I’d tell all the folk I’m on sabbatical but it would take longer to reorient them than to just do it. This morning I’ll do the week 2 videos for the Qualitative Methods Coursera course. Afternoon will be registration.
17 - 18 June Weekend
19 June - Today I’m going to watch my YouTube videos to determine which ones need to be revised. At least the tour of RStudio needs to be redone, as they now have a new interface, so the old information is a bit confusing. Got through all of the videos up to regression. Some changes need to be made - the new interface, changes in graphing, and uploading data being the primary ones. The t-test handout needs to be redone as an Markdown fine, including the code and the results along with the hand calculations and the like.
20 June - Spent the day revising the z and t test notes from D2L into an Markdown file to go along with the z and t test videos on YouTube. Got to looking at some of my early Markdown files and decided that they need to be revised. I guess I’ve learned something this Summer.
21 June - Began the day by developing an AIP for Crystal Burton, a BSLS online student with a psychology minor. She seems to have no advisor other than me (her minor advisor) so I felt it inappropriate to send her off looking for someone to help. Now on to JumpStart to see if I can generate some enthusiasm for mind mapping.Spent the remainder of the morning rewatching all of the videos on mind mapping. Will work on a map for t tests this afternoon. Got the mind map done and will work on the blog post tomorrow.
22 June - Reviewed and posted Module 2 of JumpStart. I hope to write up Module 3 today, but still can’t get real excited about Mind Maps. (After I got to working on it I actually came up with some ideas that might work for Statistics).. After lunch I completed the NSF 2017 Survey of Doctoral Recipients and worked up a BSLS/MPSY program for a possible returning student.
23 June - I decided this morning that I need to of a To Do list, of sorts, with all of the things that need to be done by the end of the Summer. I’m getting involved enough in sabbatical things that I fear I’ll forget tout classes together for Fall and make the changes I need to syllabi, videos and the like. A list will help. Worked a bit on JumpStart in AM and am going to check ion on registration to see how many of he 7 we have today need to make changes.
26 June - Posted module 3 in JumpStart. Drafted Module 4 and Module 5. Module 5 is the screen casting module, so I used Screencast -o-matic to do two videos for statistics, one on the new RStudio interface and one on changing preferences in RStudio,
27 June - Started a new Coursera course on Improving your Statistical Inference. I think I will abandon the Qualitative Methods course as it is focussed mostly on what qualitative methodology is and less on how to use it. About an hour in to the Statistical inference course, I’m really enjoying it. Daniel Lakens does a nice job with “Zen and the Art of Statistical Inference”. I was able to finish Week 1 before lunch. I’m still impressed.
28 June - Spent the morning on JumpStart Module 6 - Flipped Learning. This would be a wonderful thing to do in Stat if I had the enrollment down a bit so we could meet in the lab and people could work in teams.
29 June - Combining everything today. This week’s topic in Jump Start is to create a flipped class lesson. I figured a good place to start would be to do an R lesson using my Markdown documents, a linked data file, and an appropriate crib sheet. As some of the material will need to be stored outside D2L on the web I thought might be a good place to put it. Bottom line, I’m first having to learn to use WordPress so I can store the material I need to do the lesson.
3 July - Finished Week 2 of Inference, posted TES Module and started on Digital Quizzing
4 July - Worked more on digital quizzing and Week 3 of Inference
5 July - Created my quiz and sent it out for responses. Inference in the afternoon
6 July - Did not accomplish much today. Dentist appointment in the AM with an Enrollment Management consultant in the afternoon. Did a little work on JumpStart in between. Tomorrow is another day. Nathan DiSantis and his graduation difficulties took up much of the evening.
7 July - Jumpstart Module 7 in the am, Section 3.2 of Inference in the pm. Might have learned to pronounce LaTeX: Leslie Lamport wrote in the first chapter of his book LaTeX: A document Preparation System:
One of the hardest things about LaTeX is deciding how to pronounce it.This is also one of the few things I’m not going to tell you about LaTeX, since pronunciation is best determined by usage, not fiat. TeX is usually pronounced teck, making lah-teck, and lay-teck the logical choices; but language is not always logical, so lay-tecks is also possible.
8 July - Worked on my JumpStart Hyperdoc some. I think I have it pretty much ready to turn in to the blog.
10 July - JumpStart 8 and 9 in AM Inference Week 3 in PM
11 July - Finished up Module 9 of JumpStart in AM. Blog is ready to post (7, 8, and 9 are all on the hook). Watched the videos for Module 10 but I don’t have any great ideas for what to do as a podcast yet. I’ll think on that for a while.
12 July - JumpStart Module 10 podcast today. Need to review Phillips’ Markdown video to see how to embed a link into a markdown document.
13 July - off to Oil City to meet with Carie Forden. Read the following article in am before trip:
14 July - Emotional contagion on FB Finished Chapter 4 of inference
15 July - Erie to bail out the boat.
16 July - R for everything video
17 July - Spent am doing AIP for Katie Lee and writing a reference for Kayla Knox. In pm I’m copying D2L material from last Fall to get started on updating shells for Fall. Fortunately, this is the 10th week snakes Spring semester ended, so I have technically fulfilled my sabbatical commitment. Got everything imported and decided to work on week 5 of Improving inference. Posted Week 8 or JumpStart,
18 July - Worked on D2L shells in am and Week 5 of improving inference in pm. I believe I have made all the revisions in my General Psych D2L shell but will review one more tie with a fresh eye (and mind) before the semester begins.
19 July - Worked on syllabi in am. General is done (I think) as is Biopsych, Statistics will take much of the rest of the Summer as I incorporate sabbatical material into the course content. PM worked on Improving inference chapter 5 part 2. Interesting simulations , many of which can be incorporated into stat. 5.3 tomorrow.
20 July - Stat syllabus in AM. Working on getting dates changed for homework and exam assignments, then will go back and incorporate Markdown documents into the appropriate modules. Didn’t actually get much accomplished on the syllabus today, as advising questions kept coming up. I did finish Week 5 of Improving Inference in the afternoon, however, and started the lecture material for Week 6. No AC today. Harvey is a hot mess.
21 July - AC is back but it’s still warm and damp in Harvey. AM is dedicated to the Statistics syllabus and pm will be more week 6 of inference. Got all of the lectures done for week 6 and downloaded the assignment information.
24 July - Stat syllabus in the am Improving inference in the afternoon. I did finish up the weekly modules for stat but spent most of the morning doing Debb’s annual evaluation.
25 July - Finished Debb’s evaluation in the morning and started week 7 of Inference in the afternoon.
26 July - change in orientation for the remainder of the Summer. As of today I have completed 11 weeks of work on my 10 week Summer sabbatical. While I will continue to work on sabbatical related projects for the remainder of the Summer, my intention is to finish up the Improving Inference course by early next week (Jump Start is now done) and begin to spend some time on course revisions for the Fall. Statistics, of course, is sabbatical related, and General changes only slightly from term to term, but I really need to work on Biopsych if it is to be ready for Fall. This morning, Week 7 of inference.
Finished the lecture material for Week 7 in the AM and took the Week 8 practice exam over lunch. Got 21/21 on the exam, which probably means I have used all my luck and will never be able to pass the graded exam. I haven’t decided yet whether I’m going to complete the peer reviewed project. It looks both fun and informative but would take several hours of work and I’m beginning to feel that I have other things I should be working on. Completed Graded Exam for Week 8 - 20/21. That just leaves the week 7 assignment if I decide to do it.
27 July - Erie to bail out the boat
28 July - Markdown and notebooks - decided to work on markdown documents (and perhaps some Bookdown) for statistics for a while.
29 July - Finally got up and running. Even created a docp.slatterypotter subdomain. Linked to my rPubs site to allow students to access markdown documents all at one link.
30 July (Sunday) - Grove city
31 July - 11 am meeting on Academic Day. Sorted the weekend’s emails before. Joined “Data World”. Https:// My personal URL might be LINK TO 0.005 article:
In the afternoon I did a couple of R scripts for Mark. One to generate Zero Correlation data and one to plot Normal Distributions with varying characteristics.
1 August - AM I turned the ZeroCorrelation script into a markdown document (ZeroCorrelationDemo) to demonstrate the effect of sample size on the variability of calculated correlation coefficients. Over and after lunch I worked with the tapply function to subset data and then worked through a Homer White video on some of the bells and whistles in markdown.
2 August - Met with Steve Selker in the AM to determine what, if anything, is to be done with the old Research Methods lab. Also ran an internship form over for Jeanne ( who is off at APA). Normal curve markdown document sometime today - as soon as I get caught up on all the errands.
3 August - I suffered all afternoon yesterday trying to get the normal curve demo to knit with no joy. Came in this morning and got it to knit within ten minutes. (Changed add = TRUE in the first plot command to add = FALSE, which actually makes the whole demo work better as a new plot is created in each step. This allows moving back and forth between plots which makes it easier to compare one with another..). Worked up a markdown document for standard deviation in the afternoon.
4 August - Began working on more complex anova designed in R. Started with the single factor repeated measures and discovered ‘one.way’ as an alternative to aov.
7 August - Started the week with tapply and deplyer - wrote a set of markdown notes for each.
8 August - Last day before Vacation. Sorted Rebecca Morgan’s transcript first thing in the am, then to “How to lie with Statistics” to see if I want to use it in stat. Found a new online stat book today -
9 16 August - In Colorado for a wedding and vacation walked 20k steps most days and pondered the foolishness that it Trump but did little real work. As that was week 14 of my 19 week Summer sabbatical, I don’t feel too guilty. Back to the real world this week so this will be the end of the 2017 sabbatical diary.
13 weeks this year